Thursday, May 15, 2008


The liberal view on abortion is pro-choice. This means that the woman has the choice on what she wants to do with her body and ultimately her pregancy. It is also believed that a baby is alive at birth. Under liberal views, abortions would be legal. The conservative view point is pro-life. Life starts at conception and would be considered murder to have an abortion. Under conservatives laws, abortions would be illegal.

I am pro-choice. I believe that no one should be able to tell a woman that she has to have a baby. If abortions are ourlawed, people are going to get the "on the streets" and would most likely put the mother and child at a greater risk. I also believe that a baby is alive at birth and that it is nobody's business other than the woman's and maybe her partners whether she keeps a child or not. However, I do believe that today abortions can be misused, and used a contraceptive method. I believe that it needs to be regulated somewhat, however not outlawed.

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